Haruskah aku menantiHaruskah tangan ku iniMenggapai hanyaIlusi mimpi...Mereka sering berkataCinta itu milik kitatetapi tidak sebenarnya...Aku bosan dengan dirimuAku rasa buang masaAku fikir kau tak searusLebih baik ku beralihBiarkan diriku terus bersendiri...Hanyalah bibir berkataYang memilukanMenambah BENGANG rasa hampaTerus hingga diriku terasa. . . . . . . .
Friday, December 30, 2011
worst thing ever..
the worst thing ever in ma life is today...
hurm.. not today but yesterday cos today is a new day...
How often have you said something you wish you could take back or written an email that you wish you wouldn't have sent? Sometimes when we are angry, we react too fast. We don’t take the time to cool down and think about why the problem is occurring. It is important to learn and practice stress management techniques so that we don’t regret using anger as a remedy after the fact....
hurm.. not today but yesterday cos today is a new day...
"for every minute you remain angry,i like the words... is so teru...
you gve up 60 second of peace of mind.."
-ralph waldo emerson-
How often have you said something you wish you could take back or written an email that you wish you wouldn't have sent? Sometimes when we are angry, we react too fast. We don’t take the time to cool down and think about why the problem is occurring. It is important to learn and practice stress management techniques so that we don’t regret using anger as a remedy after the fact....
Thursday, December 29, 2011
When you're standing alone in public, you play with your phone or pretend to text so you don't look like a loner...
Layan perasaan mlm2
AWIE's Voice remind me of someone.. hehehe.. and i do love awie's voice... and all his songs...
Di Penjara janji..
Kali ini lebih dalam dan pedih
Kerna aku sudah berjanji
Dia cinta ku yang terakhir
Sungguh tak pernah ku menduga
Dia akan mengulanginya semula
Namun untuk menodai cinta
Dan membiarkan aku sengsara
Dia tempat ku sandar
Angan ku pendamkan
Satu percintaan
Yang bisa ku jadikan
Tangga-tangga ku ke pintu syurga
Meleraikan rindu
Mengecap bahagia
Yang kerap dimadah
Insan yang murni
Yang dah rasakan cinta
Yang aku... mimpi
Thursday, November 17, 2011
am i ready??
hua~~ rmi nye kwn2 ku dh kwin... aku bile lak? adek(5319) dok tnye aku bila nk kwin..
hahaha.. aku msih x dpt jwpn... kwin tu bkn snang... ati ready tp otak x ready g! hahaha
nk kwin kna guna bnyk duit.. tp.. klu aku.. nk nikah je lh x? xnk snding? hahaha bpk ah dh berangan!!!
hahaha.. xpe berangan awl.. umur ku thn dpn cecah 24!! keja xdpt g ni.. ni sdih ni..hehehe
pas hbs blaja insyallah bkn 9/2012 ko kn...nk keje... kumpul duit bnyk2.. nk beli umh.. lh x gtue? hahaha bila lak kwin...
laki ah kuar duit... hahaha btl x? hehehe tp xlh gak kn. nnt senang2 je buang kiter ble xmo kn.. tp xnk la..
hehehe adiah pling istimewa yg i nk sgt2 is a happy family... cos ..
i dont have a happy family... :)
hahaha.. aku msih x dpt jwpn... kwin tu bkn snang... ati ready tp otak x ready g! hahaha
nk kwin kna guna bnyk duit.. tp.. klu aku.. nk nikah je lh x? xnk snding? hahaha bpk ah dh berangan!!!
hahaha.. xpe berangan awl.. umur ku thn dpn cecah 24!! keja xdpt g ni.. ni sdih ni..hehehe
pas hbs blaja insyallah bkn 9/2012 ko kn...nk keje... kumpul duit bnyk2.. nk beli umh.. lh x gtue? hahaha bila lak kwin...
laki ah kuar duit... hahaha btl x? hehehe tp xlh gak kn. nnt senang2 je buang kiter ble xmo kn.. tp xnk la..
hehehe adiah pling istimewa yg i nk sgt2 is a happy family... cos ..
i dont have a happy family... :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
ok... i tibe2 ter tag kn.. by dak ni..
4.apa yang wajib ada dalam handbag atau bag korang ?
6.makanan yang paling korang suka makan .tak boleh hidup kalau tak ada benda ni .
7. suka aaron aziz tak ??sebab apa suka dan sebab apa tak suka ?
8. cinta pertama korang pada umur ?
8.artis yang paling korang benci sekali ?
10.nama yang korang tak suka orang panggil korang ? nyatakan .
11.lagu yang mengingatkan korang pada si dia .
ok ain i akan jwb ur question ni.. hehehe
~sebuah keluarga yg bahagia.
2.ada bantal busuk tak buat peneman tidur ? *jujur!*
2.ada bantal busuk tak buat peneman tidur ? *jujur!*
~ hurm.. jujur ek.. xpnh ade pun. hehehe xksh xde bntal pluk tp kna bnyk bntal. hehehe
3.style yang macam mana kah yang korang nak sangat gayakan ?nyatakan dengan terperinci .
~ i ne seorg yg simple. so gaya.. hurm.. nmpk simple n sme dgn umur i la. klu pki cm dak kecik2 xsesuai ah. hehehe
4.apa yang wajib ada dalam handbag atau bag korang ?
~spender. hahaha xde la. hurm... purse, hndphe CSL ku, perfume, cuci muka, compact powder, eyeliner, kdg2 bwk kain. tissue pun.
5. ciri ciri lelaki atau perempuan yang macam manakah yang ingin di buat sebagai teman hidup ? bak mai 5 ciri ciri .
5. ciri ciri lelaki atau perempuan yang macam manakah yang ingin di buat sebagai teman hidup ? bak mai 5 ciri ciri .
1. syg aku la kn.
2. jujur n setia.
3. syg family aku.
4. bekerja.
5. selalu ingt pada-NYA
6.makanan yang paling korang suka makan .tak boleh hidup kalau tak ada benda ni .
~aku rse ko tau ain. hehehe chocolate!! nyum3.
7. suka aaron aziz tak ??sebab apa suka dan sebab apa tak suka ?
~xde la suka mne pun x suka pun xde la. he's a singporean actor yg dlu sgt2 x handsme. hahaha
8. cinta pertama korang pada umur ?
~klu ikut btl la. 21years old.
8.artis yang paling korang benci sekali ?
~i think i dont have. kdg2 nme diorg pun x ingt. rmi sgt pelakon dlm dunia ni. hehehe pling suka ada la. hehehe
10.nama yang korang tak suka orang panggil korang ? nyatakan .
~hurm.... dgn pnggilan keji. :) mls la nyatakn.. hehhee yg keji cm "wei bodoh mai cni"
11.lagu yang mengingatkan korang pada si dia .
done~~~ hehehehe
Thursday, November 10, 2011
hurm.. i just dont knw wht to type here...
kinda bored... kinda dont knw wat to do.. i wanted to go to far far far away from here. need some space. need some galaxy s plus. hahaha.. giler..
why do money is so so so scary??
with money u can buy anything u want.. but do money can buy love? neh... is boring.. hahaha
but without money there's no love.. tipu la lh edup tnpa duit klu bcinta.
is just rubbish... money is everything..
money conquer all..
money is important. u cant buy food without money..
why do people like to say tht hate their life.. but someone out there wanted our life so much..
if u said ur problems just love (bf @gf) just get lost. is just a minor problem tht even u can handle it by urself. but if problems with money.. with family.. with the world... wht would u do? some people attend to kill them
self. isnt tht jst so stupid?
yes frend is needed but would they help you eveything??? NO! n even could be ur enemy! do believe in bff?
for now i do not! i just believe in true frends. true frens will help you no matter wht..
they even cry with you.. they will be there when u needed. but..
do you think is easy to find tht true frend?? is really2.. hard.. cos people now just care about money..
they said is ok for lending some money.. but at the end, they talk bout you at the end of the day..
do u think true frend is exist? yes i do believe but..
... ALLAH s.w.t is always be there... ever minute.. every 2nd.. He will always by our side.. no matter who...no matter what..
kinda bored... kinda dont knw wat to do.. i wanted to go to far far far away from here. need some space. need some galaxy s plus. hahaha.. giler..
why do money is so so so scary??
with money u can buy anything u want.. but do money can buy love? neh... is boring.. hahaha
but without money there's no love.. tipu la lh edup tnpa duit klu bcinta.
is just rubbish... money is everything..
money conquer all..
money is important. u cant buy food without money..
why do people like to say tht hate their life.. but someone out there wanted our life so much..
if u said ur problems just love (bf @gf) just get lost. is just a minor problem tht even u can handle it by urself. but if problems with money.. with family.. with the world... wht would u do? some people attend to kill them
self. isnt tht jst so stupid?
yes frend is needed but would they help you eveything??? NO! n even could be ur enemy! do believe in bff?
for now i do not! i just believe in true frends. true frens will help you no matter wht..
they even cry with you.. they will be there when u needed. but..
do you think is easy to find tht true frend?? is really2.. hard.. cos people now just care about money..
they said is ok for lending some money.. but at the end, they talk bout you at the end of the day..
do u think true frend is exist? yes i do believe but..
... ALLAH s.w.t is always be there... ever minute.. every 2nd.. He will always by our side.. no matter who...no matter what..
"if you think you have a bigger problem, think back, there a lot more people out there that has bigger problems more than you do."
Monday, November 7, 2011
Some quote~
i got this quote.. and suddenly i like it.. u want to knw???
haha is just some silly words pop out from ma brain.. hahaha.. one more!! i post a picture then..
"Do not be afraid to FAIL"do u guy realize the meaning of this word??? do u? hehehe.. dont mean u fail u lost everything rite... :) and one more
"to the world you may be one PERSON, but to one person YOU may be the
huhu like it? hehehe.. is a love quote... how bout my one quote?? hurm... havent think a word yet...
"never feel regret for what u have done cos sometimes is worth it"
haha is just some silly words pop out from ma brain.. hahaha.. one more!! i post a picture then..
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is really2 true... |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
lme giler aku dh x update blog.. hurm.. sgt bz gak nye kn.. bz ape?
lupa.. sem lps keje je yg ingt.. hehehe yg pnting dh dpt mkn seoul garden.. pun jd la...
hahaha wlupun x bnyk yg mkn tp i do have a memorable date~~~ huhu
dont ask with whom.. mls nk g tau.. hahaha
hurm.. bila la dpt mkn kt tmpt2 mhl ek..
hurm.. bila nk dpt bnyk2 duit ek...
hurm.. bila la impian tu tercapai ek...
hurm.. bila la nk kwin..(oh x terpkir lg wat this time)
bnyk plak Hurm aku ni.. hehehe pape pun..
have a nice day~
lupa.. sem lps keje je yg ingt.. hehehe yg pnting dh dpt mkn seoul garden.. pun jd la...
hahaha wlupun x bnyk yg mkn tp i do have a memorable date~~~ huhu
dont ask with whom.. mls nk g tau.. hahaha
hurm.. bila la dpt mkn kt tmpt2 mhl ek..
hurm.. bila nk dpt bnyk2 duit ek...
hurm.. bila la impian tu tercapai ek...
hurm.. bila la nk kwin..(oh x terpkir lg wat this time)
bnyk plak Hurm aku ni.. hehehe pape pun..
have a nice day~
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wawa & ekin~ |
Bahagia or shiawase~
hua~~ damnly happy today.. u know why??
it is because....
I ATE CRAB!! hooray!!!
masak kuah lemak cili padi!! oh sgt2 sdp smpi dua kali aku minta.... yum2...
thanks tu aunty faridah for the RYORI!! hooray!! yum2..
jealous tgk Kakak aien dpt mkn ketam.. so i pun dpt.. eventhough we xde duit.. hehehe
bkn snang nk edupp ssh ni ye.. :) kesabaran n ketabahan perlu ada...
it is because....
I ATE CRAB!! hooray!!!
masak kuah lemak cili padi!! oh sgt2 sdp smpi dua kali aku minta.... yum2...
thanks tu aunty faridah for the RYORI!! hooray!! yum2..
jealous tgk Kakak aien dpt mkn ketam.. so i pun dpt.. eventhough we xde duit.. hehehe
bkn snang nk edupp ssh ni ye.. :) kesabaran n ketabahan perlu ada...
what a day...
i hate it. just hate it..
looking to other family... hate to see it. why do they have a wonderful family but i don't..
hurm.. aku tau nk ckp pe... jst 31.10.11 is a fuck shit day for me n ma mom. knp..
aku sgt2 pelik org melayu menjatuh kn org melayu sndiri. knp? knp bangsa laen xde wat cmtu. kenapa klu dgn cina masih blh berunding? sme jgk dgn india? knp dua bangsa ni bkn asal thn malaysia blh lebih memahami? bkn sbb mereka kaya. org kte ada udng di sebalik batu.. tidak.. mungkin ada yg racist tp tidak 100% yg racist. klu nk di ikut kn. smua bangsa ada shj yg racist. tp cube tgk skrg. cina bntu org cina. india tlg org india tp knp melayu nk tlg tu.. hampeh. ssh giler. ade je cina ke india yg xtlg tp mostly.. xpyh ckp bnyk la.. tgk ank luar nikah mne pling bnyk? melayu yg beragama islam ke india atau cina? aku pun xtau knp aku ckp sal benda ni.
here is malaysia!
masih tdk phm... knp.. knp org melayu tidak membantu org melayu...
looking to other family... hate to see it. why do they have a wonderful family but i don't..
hurm.. aku tau nk ckp pe... jst 31.10.11 is a fuck shit day for me n ma mom. knp..
aku sgt2 pelik org melayu menjatuh kn org melayu sndiri. knp? knp bangsa laen xde wat cmtu. kenapa klu dgn cina masih blh berunding? sme jgk dgn india? knp dua bangsa ni bkn asal thn malaysia blh lebih memahami? bkn sbb mereka kaya. org kte ada udng di sebalik batu.. tidak.. mungkin ada yg racist tp tidak 100% yg racist. klu nk di ikut kn. smua bangsa ada shj yg racist. tp cube tgk skrg. cina bntu org cina. india tlg org india tp knp melayu nk tlg tu.. hampeh. ssh giler. ade je cina ke india yg xtlg tp mostly.. xpyh ckp bnyk la.. tgk ank luar nikah mne pling bnyk? melayu yg beragama islam ke india atau cina? aku pun xtau knp aku ckp sal benda ni.
here is malaysia!
masih tdk phm... knp.. knp org melayu tidak membantu org melayu...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Place where should i go..
hurm.... where should i make or do my practical...
Genting or Gold Coast... pls help me tp decide...
if i choose G.S, is near to ma my, house,n my teddy ... but if i choose Gnting...
is far from everyone...
oh life....
Genting or Gold Coast... pls help me tp decide...
if i choose G.S, is near to ma my, house,n my teddy ... but if i choose Gnting...
is far from everyone...
oh life....
Monday, August 29, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya
hua~~ today~!!!! already raya~~~
yg sedih knp.... :( sbb....
X CUKUP PUASA~~ mroh btl aku.. hahahah xpela.. nk wat gi mne kn...
huhu.. ok ramadhan tlah meninggal kn kami.. hrp2 dpt jmpe ramadhan thn dpn... thn dpn ramadhan pada bulan july~~ n... time kter practical.. OMG.. hohhoo
ape2 pun.. slmt ari rya to all of ma frens and to everyone i knw~~~!!!
yg sedih knp.... :( sbb....
X CUKUP PUASA~~ mroh btl aku.. hahahah xpela.. nk wat gi mne kn...
huhu.. ok ramadhan tlah meninggal kn kami.. hrp2 dpt jmpe ramadhan thn dpn... thn dpn ramadhan pada bulan july~~ n... time kter practical.. OMG.. hohhoo
ape2 pun.. slmt ari rya to all of ma frens and to everyone i knw~~~!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
HTH 285 - 24-9-2011 (SAT) - 9.00-12.00 PM... OMG is Account 1st!!!
MKT 260 - 28.9.2011 (WED) - 9.00 -12.00 PM and is marketing.. OMG!!! gap 4 days.. need to read alot...
HTH 250 - 4.10.2011 (TUE) - 9.00-12.00 PM i think is cost control... 6 days gap... ok... need to learn alot...
HTH 222 - 6.10.2011 (THUR) - 2.15-5.15 PM is housekeeping... OMG.. read n read a lot... and only gap 1 DAY!!! DAMN!
HTH 225 - 9.10.2011 (SUN) - 2.15-5.15 PM last is front office... need also read n learn calculate... omg... gap is 3 days..
i do really need to focus in class now.. damn....
i do hope i can do it well this sem!
MKT 260 - 28.9.2011 (WED) - 9.00 -12.00 PM and is marketing.. OMG!!! gap 4 days.. need to read alot...
HTH 250 - 4.10.2011 (TUE) - 9.00-12.00 PM i think is cost control... 6 days gap... ok... need to learn alot...
HTH 222 - 6.10.2011 (THUR) - 2.15-5.15 PM is housekeeping... OMG.. read n read a lot... and only gap 1 DAY!!! DAMN!
HTH 225 - 9.10.2011 (SUN) - 2.15-5.15 PM last is front office... need also read n learn calculate... omg... gap is 3 days..
i do really need to focus in class now.. damn....
i do hope i can do it well this sem!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
friend.. friend is a word.. what i want to say here is tht...
friend is hard to find... hard to find the true friend in this world..
they wont be a back stabber although we quarrelling.. they wont hurt ur heart even a bit when u're not around.. but there no such thing in this world... even though u call her or he as ur best friend.. tht doesnt mean they or u nvr talk about them to others.. is a lie.. but one thing is tht... ur dirty secret or ur dmn shit secret, they will keep it until u die.. tht we call a true friend.. even though sometimes ur fighting... and.. wht the hell am i talking aboout.. shit. i dont understand a word at all.. hahahahaha
ok ok...
i love this word... is so damn true... how bad u are.. how shit ur attitude r she will still accept u as u r... fat,skinny,dark,white,short or tall is not the important thing... HEART is the most important.... no on in this world is perfect... NONE!!
except... our PROPHET...
some pic to smile~~
love this.. as a kiss!! hehehe
i need a friend tht wont hurt me no more... :)
friend is hard to find... hard to find the true friend in this world..
they wont be a back stabber although we quarrelling.. they wont hurt ur heart even a bit when u're not around.. but there no such thing in this world... even though u call her or he as ur best friend.. tht doesnt mean they or u nvr talk about them to others.. is a lie.. but one thing is tht... ur dirty secret or ur dmn shit secret, they will keep it until u die.. tht we call a true friend.. even though sometimes ur fighting... and.. wht the hell am i talking aboout.. shit. i dont understand a word at all.. hahahahaha
ok ok...
i love this word... is so damn true... how bad u are.. how shit ur attitude r she will still accept u as u r... fat,skinny,dark,white,short or tall is not the important thing... HEART is the most important.... no on in this world is perfect... NONE!!
except... our PROPHET...
some pic to smile~~
love this.. as a kiss!! hehehe
i need a friend tht wont hurt me no more... :)
Friday, July 29, 2011
ai ai.. hurm.. dh kul brp skrg ek.. hehehehe xlh tdo g.. tp dh ngntok sbnarnya..
hehehe td tgk cter world within... best~~ hehehe
ok esk nk away for a while... going to... TERENGANU!~~ yahoo~~~ tmpt yg aku nk sgt2 pergi..
damn excited ok... nk sgt tgk laut yg biru.. nk sgt tgk laut yg jernih.. is hard to see here in malaysia..
tp ati aku x tenang... aku gdo dgn him...
jst bcos i lost his stupid sunglasses... he could scold me jst bcoz i lost it.. is not in purpose..
ah.. knp slalu jd cmni.. tp knp aku smpi nk minta break?
wat am i thinking about... i do love him but i cant stand with him..
aku x perlu kn duit ko.. aku x perlu kn bnda2 tue aku perlu kn kpercayaan~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku fedap hidup dgn laki seperti ayh aku... knp aku dpt org yg sme prangai dgn bapak aku??
knp ALLAH bg org mcm tue...
lh jd giler aku cmni..
hate it! stupid!!! knp la aku knl ko~!!
hehehe td tgk cter world within... best~~ hehehe
ok esk nk away for a while... going to... TERENGANU!~~ yahoo~~~ tmpt yg aku nk sgt2 pergi..
damn excited ok... nk sgt tgk laut yg biru.. nk sgt tgk laut yg jernih.. is hard to see here in malaysia..
tp ati aku x tenang... aku gdo dgn him...
jst bcos i lost his stupid sunglasses... he could scold me jst bcoz i lost it.. is not in purpose..
ah.. knp slalu jd cmni.. tp knp aku smpi nk minta break?
wat am i thinking about... i do love him but i cant stand with him..
aku x perlu kn duit ko.. aku x perlu kn bnda2 tue aku perlu kn kpercayaan~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku fedap hidup dgn laki seperti ayh aku... knp aku dpt org yg sme prangai dgn bapak aku??
knp ALLAH bg org mcm tue...
lh jd giler aku cmni..
hate it! stupid!!! knp la aku knl ko~!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
hurm.. words...
ai ai bloggy~~ is quite for awhile i kinda bored with on9.. mende aku merepek nie..
huhu.. sje nk ber british tp x btl.. huhu..
너의 향기가 내게 남아서
아직 너를 잊을 수 없는걸
너 의 눈물이 아직 느껴져
그렇게 내가 아파하나봐...
아직 너를 잊을 수 없는걸
너 의 눈물이 아직 느껴져
그렇게 내가 아파하나봐...
Your scent behind me
I can't forget you
Your tears are still felt
I guess I'm sick ...
I can't forget you
Your tears are still felt
I guess I'm sick ...
i love this words... i love the drama.. omg... the drama is meaningful and alot of lesson and moral tht i can took...
when u love someone.. love truthfully... be by their side when the person u love is down.. cos only u can make him or her to smile back like usual...
is the most important things tht need in a relationship..
to be love is hard rather than to love... wasnt is true??
music is an escape... escape who u r.. ur fear.. ur tears...and forget wat's is wrong...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
ai ai~~~ i love this song!!!
the title is...
JUST ONE.. and and... chottomatte ne..
by chris young the title is
thanks to hanafi.. cos he let me knw this songs..
and ya knw wat.. yesterday is the best!! hahahaha 1st time in my life..
bwk mtr tnpa lesen n polis bg kebenaran sbb.. EKIN KECIK SGT!!! hahaha mula thn ekin bwk.. kantoi la kn..
benti tepi tkr driver.. hahaha pastu ekin kena saman.. jeng3 ok la tue kin... smn P je bkn smn lngar lmpu isyarat mcm aku~!! hahahaha
hurm.. b4 tht teka la kiterorg g mne.. jeng3 alamanda.. naik MOTOR ekin.. and then kami sesat.. hahahaha last2 g tnye org.. hahaha wat pe g alamanda..
ekin lnje mkn stemboat!! hahaha giler knyang.. thnks dear!! pastu..
tgk wyg citer... KONGSI.. mula2 best tp.. ending bdh ke mende tah... hahahaha
funny la gak..
hrp dpt tgk fast n furious tp xdpt.. tgk kt penang je la nnt..
ok.. 1st when arrived is really not tht far ok. but when we wanted to go home.. kaerimasu.. hahhaaha
sesat~~~ hahaha pastu.. kuar la nilai..xlh bla ape..
GILER SEJUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st time ok bwk mtr g jln jauh!! hahahaha..
xpe2 pnting ekin de lesen tue ok.. hahahahah..
pastu arini mkn pe... xtau.. tup2 ekin lnje pizza hut... wow... tp.. aku bru je dpt trn brt 2kg!! god!!! naek blik!!
oh man!! dok nga ekin tmbh brt g de ah. hahahaaha
pape pun next week nk kena blik penang.. oh PTPTN.. bile kmu nk msuk!!!!!!!!
ok bye!~
the title is...
JUST ONE.. and and... chottomatte ne..
by chris young the title is
thanks to hanafi.. cos he let me knw this songs..
and ya knw wat.. yesterday is the best!! hahahaha 1st time in my life..
bwk mtr tnpa lesen n polis bg kebenaran sbb.. EKIN KECIK SGT!!! hahaha mula thn ekin bwk.. kantoi la kn..
benti tepi tkr driver.. hahaha pastu ekin kena saman.. jeng3 ok la tue kin... smn P je bkn smn lngar lmpu isyarat mcm aku~!! hahahaha
hurm.. b4 tht teka la kiterorg g mne.. jeng3 alamanda.. naik MOTOR ekin.. and then kami sesat.. hahahaha last2 g tnye org.. hahaha wat pe g alamanda..
ekin lnje mkn stemboat!! hahaha giler knyang.. thnks dear!! pastu..
tgk wyg citer... KONGSI.. mula2 best tp.. ending bdh ke mende tah... hahahaha
funny la gak..
hrp dpt tgk fast n furious tp xdpt.. tgk kt penang je la nnt..
ok.. 1st when arrived is really not tht far ok. but when we wanted to go home.. kaerimasu.. hahhaaha
sesat~~~ hahaha pastu.. kuar la nilai..xlh bla ape..
GILER SEJUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st time ok bwk mtr g jln jauh!! hahahaha..
xpe2 pnting ekin de lesen tue ok.. hahahahah..
pastu arini mkn pe... xtau.. tup2 ekin lnje pizza hut... wow... tp.. aku bru je dpt trn brt 2kg!! god!!! naek blik!!
oh man!! dok nga ekin tmbh brt g de ah. hahahaaha
pape pun next week nk kena blik penang.. oh PTPTN.. bile kmu nk msuk!!!!!!!!
ok bye!~
Thursday, May 12, 2011
ok.. sal makcik ni.. huhu.. shuziana mohd noor~~
ok.. dak kecik molek ni.. suzie.. dier org yg aku knl mula2 kt poly... dier sorg je time tue.. dier pnh kte. aku la org pertama dier knl n tgur.. hehehe.. aku dlu tnye dier, ade gam x.. mse nk ltk gmbr.. huhu pastu dier bg.. dier ingt kn pas tue aku x tgur dier.. pastu kn.. tgk dier tgh susun2 kertas.. aku tlg.. hehehe pastu dier kte thnks.. and u knw wat.. we get to be togther.. and aku x henti2 doa agar dpt 1 bilik... last2 u knw wat...
aku dpt satu bilik with her!!!
i nvr call her ko n i call my self aku.. nvr.. sbb enth..
dier.. ok ok.. she's from kelantan but.. she born at perak.. dier sek dlu kt perak pastu bru klntn.. hehehe... she's unique.. she's abit different then others.. she hve ask me.. tkut dgn sy x? i say tht.. x.. npe.. korg cube pikir.. bru hnye 1 mlm bersama.. dier trus tnye, dba ade mslh family ke.. ha... xterkjut tp dgn relax jwb.. yap.. xpkir pape pun time tue.. ok.. smething i shouldnt tell anyone here... hehehe.. aku bnyk skit kn ati dier.. dlu aku bebal.. bangang.. hnya tau skit kn ati dier.. knp la bebal dlu... pastu dier rpt dgn kuyah.. yes i'm jealous n mrh.. tp.. wat to do... aku bkn jenis kongkong kwn.. last2 kiter baik blik... 1thing i like bout her, she's brave, she's frenly, she's funny... i still remember i say 1 song for her... my love.. is her fav song..
i must sang this song on her birthday.. huhu rindu kt dier sgt2.. lme sgt2 x jmpe dier she's the best best frend i ever had..syg suzie sgt2!!!!

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shuziana |
aku dpt satu bilik with her!!!
i nvr call her ko n i call my self aku.. nvr.. sbb enth..
dier.. ok ok.. she's from kelantan but.. she born at perak.. dier sek dlu kt perak pastu bru klntn.. hehehe... she's unique.. she's abit different then others.. she hve ask me.. tkut dgn sy x? i say tht.. x.. npe.. korg cube pikir.. bru hnye 1 mlm bersama.. dier trus tnye, dba ade mslh family ke.. ha... xterkjut tp dgn relax jwb.. yap.. xpkir pape pun time tue.. ok.. smething i shouldnt tell anyone here... hehehe.. aku bnyk skit kn ati dier.. dlu aku bebal.. bangang.. hnya tau skit kn ati dier.. knp la bebal dlu... pastu dier rpt dgn kuyah.. yes i'm jealous n mrh.. tp.. wat to do... aku bkn jenis kongkong kwn.. last2 kiter baik blik... 1thing i like bout her, she's brave, she's frenly, she's funny... i still remember i say 1 song for her... my love.. is her fav song..
i must sang this song on her birthday.. huhu rindu kt dier sgt2.. lme sgt2 x jmpe dier she's the best best frend i ever had..syg suzie sgt2!!!!
siti hawa~
ok awe plak.. mcm dier bce kn kn.. hurm..
ok.. gmbr~~ dak ni.. awe.. dak ni.. giler... rempit smpi nk nyaris xcident..
hahah.. dier.. best~~~!! kwn yg memahami.. one of my bff gak~~!!! syg awe.. lme x jmpe dier.. ingt lagi time dier dtg sg.pelek, dgr aku karoke.. dier lh plak record kn kn.. hahaaha.. time tue la dier knl along.. haahaa.. suke karoke sme nga aku giler.. dier klu mrh.. snyap je.. x mcm yg laen.. huhu.. aku pnh gdo bsr dgn dier 1 kali je.. pastu xde dh.. hahaha.. enth npe nk gdo nga dier.. dier pun jujur.. x suke je, bgtau.. hehehe we got close mse sem 4.. satu bilik.. dlu kiter ber4.. wawa, awe,ruby n me.. tp.. ade kes.. xlh dh mcm dlu.. hua~~ miss those time.. dier pnh nynyi tok aku... bile aku gdo nga spe2 ke dier yg slow kn mrh aku.. dier yg sjuk kn ati aku.. 1one think y smpi skrg aku xlh bls budi dier.. dier bnyk tlg aku time ssh sal duit time kt poli dlu... skrg ekin plak.. hahaha.. xpe2.. aku doa kwn2 aku smua happy slalu~~ ok.. pape nk add nnt la aku add.. hahaah

ok awe plak.. mcm dier bce kn kn.. hurm..
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siti Hawa |
hahah.. dier.. best~~~!! kwn yg memahami.. one of my bff gak~~!!! syg awe.. lme x jmpe dier.. ingt lagi time dier dtg sg.pelek, dgr aku karoke.. dier lh plak record kn kn.. hahaaha.. time tue la dier knl along.. haahaa.. suke karoke sme nga aku giler.. dier klu mrh.. snyap je.. x mcm yg laen.. huhu.. aku pnh gdo bsr dgn dier 1 kali je.. pastu xde dh.. hahaha.. enth npe nk gdo nga dier.. dier pun jujur.. x suke je, bgtau.. hehehe we got close mse sem 4.. satu bilik.. dlu kiter ber4.. wawa, awe,ruby n me.. tp.. ade kes.. xlh dh mcm dlu.. hua~~ miss those time.. dier pnh nynyi tok aku... bile aku gdo nga spe2 ke dier yg slow kn mrh aku.. dier yg sjuk kn ati aku.. 1one think y smpi skrg aku xlh bls budi dier.. dier bnyk tlg aku time ssh sal duit time kt poli dlu... skrg ekin plak.. hahaha.. xpe2.. aku doa kwn2 aku smua happy slalu~~ ok.. pape nk add nnt la aku add.. hahaah
hurm.. WAWA sewel~
ok.. 1st nk citer sal someone ni..
WAWA(ekin dh citer dh..)
gmbr gmbr!! jap.. aku cr..
after 1min....
ok sal dier.. dier poyo.. hahaha sengal.. kejam smua da la.. tp... 1 benda yg aku suke kt dier.. dier jujur n x hypocrite.. ok.. she's on of my bff~~ wa. jgn mrh ah aku kte kt atas tue.. hahaha.. dier org yg aku knl slps suzie ok.. time kt poli dlu..
dier bnyk tlg aku time poly dlu2.. ceh xde la dlu sgt.. she's kind hearted ok.. wlupun rmi kte dier mcm2 tp.. dier ttp dier.. xde la mcm org laen.. tkut la.. ape la kn.. dier xsuke kwn dier kna bully.. xsuke kwn dier bebal.. mcm aku dlu.. bebal.. hahaha.. sbb kn dier.. sbb kn ekin n suzie.. aku ubh slow2.. bebal bebal gak tp smpi org nk pijak kepala pun xtau..ingt lgi time kes kt umh sewa.. dier kte x suke, xsuke la.. sme nga kenet.. bile dh x suke org tue.. muka nk pndng pun xmau.. hua.. sme ah aku.. tp aku ni lmbt ati lg.. hahaah cpt lmbt ati tp.. ego aku plak lbh mcm ne tue.. hahaha.. ok.. wawa ni jenis kwn xkn tinggal kn kwn dier.. tp pnh la dlu dier tinggal kn aku.. xpe2 dh lps, skrg dier x gtue.. org yg aku slalu gdo x kenet, wawa xpun suzie... hahahaha biasa la.. kwn klu x gdo x sah kn wa kn kn~~~~!!!!! hahahaah she's great.. hahaha x mcm kwn yg laen.. lupe kwn lama.. mati ah.. kn wa kn!!! hehehe
wawa sewel...
WAWA(ekin dh citer dh..)
gmbr gmbr!! jap.. aku cr..
after 1min....
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Fazdliatul azwa |
dier bnyk tlg aku time poly dlu2.. ceh xde la dlu sgt.. she's kind hearted ok.. wlupun rmi kte dier mcm2 tp.. dier ttp dier.. xde la mcm org laen.. tkut la.. ape la kn.. dier xsuke kwn dier kna bully.. xsuke kwn dier bebal.. mcm aku dlu.. bebal.. hahaha.. sbb kn dier.. sbb kn ekin n suzie.. aku ubh slow2.. bebal bebal gak tp smpi org nk pijak kepala pun xtau..ingt lgi time kes kt umh sewa.. dier kte x suke, xsuke la.. sme nga kenet.. bile dh x suke org tue.. muka nk pndng pun xmau.. hua.. sme ah aku.. tp aku ni lmbt ati lg.. hahaah cpt lmbt ati tp.. ego aku plak lbh mcm ne tue.. hahaha.. ok.. wawa ni jenis kwn xkn tinggal kn kwn dier.. tp pnh la dlu dier tinggal kn aku.. xpe2 dh lps, skrg dier x gtue.. org yg aku slalu gdo x kenet, wawa xpun suzie... hahahaha biasa la.. kwn klu x gdo x sah kn wa kn kn~~~~!!!!! hahahaah she's great.. hahaha x mcm kwn yg laen.. lupe kwn lama.. mati ah.. kn wa kn!!! hehehe
wawa sewel...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
keje giler after...
ok... aku arini wat keje giler.. nk tau x..
aku n dai pada mulanya g mkn d mak jah yg MAHAL giler itu...
pastu... kiter bgrk.. jap..
b4 tue tlg dadai ni g amek brg dier.. dier ingin melarikan diri dr kristal.. krn kristal dh xnk dier..
lh dikate kn gitue la.. ok smbung..
berjln2 smpi ke tgh2 jln di highway... pe la melalut aku ni..
berpegang tgn bersama suraida.. ingin melintas jln n mnuju ke jln yg xbrp nk benar itu.. iaitu..
ok... nk upload gmbr xlh sbb thank to my mr b.b yg sgt gile slow... (pnh download oppa sang hyun ku, tu lembab semacam)
kami ke...
jeng jeng jeng...
MCD!! ok.. tkut warna mjd.. MCD....
ok.. eh..
sian pada SURAIDA krn menjadi giler kejap... teeett...
to nornal font blik.. buta mta org nk mmbce tue.. hahahha
ok.. pastu i coment2 bersama YDAA... pastu dier mmberitahu dier bersndirian.. i pun mngajak dier mai ke MCD
ok mcd sgt2 sejuk mcm ais..
dai tue bijak, srh bwk sweater xnk.. kebal la sgt kn...
pastu.. pastu aku n wai tgk 1 movie yg berjodol..... ejaan btl judul kn kn...
MUALAF.. aku dok pene pe mkna citer itu.. blur sebentar2... ok..
tau x dr kul brp..
ape mende dba. suke lari2 topic la..
ok.. kitorg kt mcd dr kul 9lbh kot.. lupe2 gitue xpun 10 kot.. 10pm ok not am..
yela kn.. dh hbs paper.. of cos la g enjoy jap.. hehehehe g enjoy kt mcd je ok
dh la gak mcm bubur ayam mcd.. hehehe
ok back to the mualaf.. serious shit.. xphm pe citer tue.. WHY!!!~~ knp ending sebegitu rupa..
ok ape je aku mcarut la ni.. aku dok paham..hahaha aku pun sewel...
ok skrg aku berada di umah bersama dadai, ydaa, farihin, min n fa...
to my dear FARAH AFIQAH and ANI SHAMYRA...
good luck 4 2moro.. do da best u can bebeh...
go girl go girl..
ok ni la keje2 giler aku bersama2 mereka...
ok td mkn mee hun x sdp...
ok ckp diba dayana ckp!! pnt org nk bce blog ko... hahaha ade ke nk bce. huahuahaua
jeng jeng jeng..
yeah blik!~~~
aku n dai pada mulanya g mkn d mak jah yg MAHAL giler itu...
pastu... kiter bgrk.. jap..
b4 tue tlg dadai ni g amek brg dier.. dier ingin melarikan diri dr kristal.. krn kristal dh xnk dier..
lh dikate kn gitue la.. ok smbung..
berjln2 smpi ke tgh2 jln di highway... pe la melalut aku ni..
berpegang tgn bersama suraida.. ingin melintas jln n mnuju ke jln yg xbrp nk benar itu.. iaitu..
ok... nk upload gmbr xlh sbb thank to my mr b.b yg sgt gile slow... (pnh download oppa sang hyun ku, tu lembab semacam)
kami ke...
jeng jeng jeng...
MCD!! ok.. tkut warna mjd.. MCD....
ok.. eh..
sian pada SURAIDA krn menjadi giler kejap... teeett...
to nornal font blik.. buta mta org nk mmbce tue.. hahahha
ok.. pastu i coment2 bersama YDAA... pastu dier mmberitahu dier bersndirian.. i pun mngajak dier mai ke MCD
ok mcd sgt2 sejuk mcm ais..
dai tue bijak, srh bwk sweater xnk.. kebal la sgt kn...
pastu.. pastu aku n wai tgk 1 movie yg berjodol..... ejaan btl judul kn kn...
MUALAF.. aku dok pene pe mkna citer itu.. blur sebentar2... ok..
tau x dr kul brp..
ape mende dba. suke lari2 topic la..
ok.. kitorg kt mcd dr kul 9lbh kot.. lupe2 gitue xpun 10 kot.. 10pm ok not am..
yela kn.. dh hbs paper.. of cos la g enjoy jap.. hehehehe g enjoy kt mcd je ok
dh la gak mcm bubur ayam mcd.. hehehe
ok back to the mualaf.. serious shit.. xphm pe citer tue.. WHY!!!~~ knp ending sebegitu rupa..
ok ape je aku mcarut la ni.. aku dok paham..hahaha aku pun sewel...
ok skrg aku berada di umah bersama dadai, ydaa, farihin, min n fa...
to my dear FARAH AFIQAH and ANI SHAMYRA...
good luck 4 2moro.. do da best u can bebeh...
go girl go girl..
ok ni la keje2 giler aku bersama2 mereka...
ok td mkn mee hun x sdp...
ok ckp diba dayana ckp!! pnt org nk bce blog ko... hahaha ade ke nk bce. huahuahaua
jeng jeng jeng..
yeah blik!~~~
Monday, April 18, 2011
Love changes a lot of thingseven things you think that could never changeEven changed my little habitsIn the end I hope it will be youThe person that will be with me,That person will be you.....
ok i like this words.. is a translation from the song called... reason.. ost from secret garden...
jeng jeng.. i'm in love with this drama.. Kdrama... OMG.. ok.. i knw...
i knw... hahahaha i knw i'm cute.. kawaii ne atashi. hahahahaah
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i'm in LOVE.. with this.. |
hahaha.. is a love romance drama.. and is comedy too!! i like it.. cant wait PIKA to kaerimasu to take the drama.. hohoho...
and the Hyun Bin that man is also a nice song!!!!! wow~~~
by da way.. exam is around the corner.. how could i play around.. hurm..
Thursday, March 24, 2011
hurm.. bagaimana ya..
aku ingin berubah.. berubah kpd yg baik...
aku rse kehilangan.. aku rse kekurangan.. tp knp..
knp aku ssh nk brubah... aku ingn jaga tertib ku.. aku ingin ubah cr aku bertutur.. tp knp..
is so hard.. it ruined my life.. it ruined myself.. it ruined my pride....
Ya Allah.. berkan lah ku kekuatan utk trus kn edup ku di dunia ni..
hanya sementara..... utk mcpi impian ku sbg manusia n sbgi org islam....
aku tau ssh untk mcpi apa yg kita ingin kn.. tp jika aku tdk mgalah.. aku akan berjaya.. jgn pndng keblakang lg lps ni...
knp ye msih ada yg berkata..." ala bkn aku pki tdung pun" "buat tebiat ke aku pki tdung?"
knp ye... aku terkilan kejap.. knp ye... dosa ke bila memakai nye? knp org terkjut aku memakai nye? aku sdr aku pun tdak memakai tiap mase.. aku cube.. aku ttp akan mcube tok memakai selama2 nya...
aku ngaku slh ku.. aku akn cube utk tidak mrungut.. aku cube untk bersyukur aku msih hdup.. aku ptut bersyukur aku msih ada nyawa.. kaki.. tangan... mulut tp.. aku x mguna kn ke jln yg btl.. knp...
knp ye... knp hati aku keras mcm btu... knp ssh ati ku ni utk d lntur?
aku ingin berubah.. berubah kpd yg baik...
aku rse kehilangan.. aku rse kekurangan.. tp knp..
knp aku ssh nk brubah... aku ingn jaga tertib ku.. aku ingin ubah cr aku bertutur.. tp knp..
is so hard.. it ruined my life.. it ruined myself.. it ruined my pride....
Ya Allah.. berkan lah ku kekuatan utk trus kn edup ku di dunia ni..
hanya sementara..... utk mcpi impian ku sbg manusia n sbgi org islam....
aku tau ssh untk mcpi apa yg kita ingin kn.. tp jika aku tdk mgalah.. aku akan berjaya.. jgn pndng keblakang lg lps ni...
knp ye msih ada yg berkata..." ala bkn aku pki tdung pun" "buat tebiat ke aku pki tdung?"
knp ye... aku terkilan kejap.. knp ye... dosa ke bila memakai nye? knp org terkjut aku memakai nye? aku sdr aku pun tdak memakai tiap mase.. aku cube.. aku ttp akan mcube tok memakai selama2 nya...
aku ngaku slh ku.. aku akn cube utk tidak mrungut.. aku cube untk bersyukur aku msih hdup.. aku ptut bersyukur aku msih ada nyawa.. kaki.. tangan... mulut tp.. aku x mguna kn ke jln yg btl.. knp...
knp ye... knp hati aku keras mcm btu... knp ssh ati ku ni utk d lntur?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
like this song..
Dapatkah putik kan menjadi bunga
Kiranya cuaca sering gerhana
Dapatkah kasih bersemi selamanya
Ataupun aku harus berserah kepadaNya
Yang Maha Esa
Mestikah ada satu perngorbanan
Sehingga terjadinya perpisahan
Kiranya itu satu permintaan
Perlukah kau dan ku merelakan
Kita hanya insan yang selalu mengharpkan
Suatu yang indah dalam percintaan
Di kala tiba dugaan mendatang
Aku kau tinggalkan
Karam aku di lautan duka
Bila wajahmu hilang di mata
Tiada berita pengubat rindu
Di kala sendu
Kubiarkan luka di hati berdarah
Sehingga kering dimamah mentari
Apakah salahku
Disakiti begini
Perlukah aku terus mengharapkan
Camar yang hilang kembali ke sarang
Apakah masih ada kerinduan
Yang tersimpan di hatimu sayang...
Kiranya cuaca sering gerhana
Dapatkah kasih bersemi selamanya
Ataupun aku harus berserah kepadaNya
Yang Maha Esa
Mestikah ada satu perngorbanan
Sehingga terjadinya perpisahan
Kiranya itu satu permintaan
Perlukah kau dan ku merelakan
Kita hanya insan yang selalu mengharpkan
Suatu yang indah dalam percintaan
Di kala tiba dugaan mendatang
Aku kau tinggalkan
Karam aku di lautan duka
Bila wajahmu hilang di mata
Tiada berita pengubat rindu
Di kala sendu
Kubiarkan luka di hati berdarah
Sehingga kering dimamah mentari
Apakah salahku
Disakiti begini
Perlukah aku terus mengharapkan
Camar yang hilang kembali ke sarang
Apakah masih ada kerinduan
Yang tersimpan di hatimu sayang...
oh my god..
am i missing someone... who could might be... jeng2... ma mom... ma sis.. ma boboy(CAT)...
miss ma sleep.. miss maself.. miss me.. i want to be stronger then b4.. huhu.. how2..
NVR GV UP~ think +ve...
n n.. i suke this song..
by Taxi Band... i like the lyrics...
Kemarin ku dengar
Kau ucap kata cinta
Seolah dunia
Bagai dimusim semi
Kau datang padaku
Membawa luka lama
Ku tak ingin seolah
Semua seperti dulu
Tak ingin lagi rasanya ku bercinta
Setelah ku rasa perih
Kegagalan ini membuat ku tak berdaya
Tak dapat lagi rasanya ku tersenyum
Setelah kau tinggal pergi
Biar ku sendiri tanpa hadirmu kini lagi
when i heared kaulah segalanya i remembered someone..
when i heared cintamu mekar dihati i remembered someone..
when i heared malam ini... i miss tht person but...
i love myself more..
i'm in a bad mood.... huhu...
miss ma sleep.. miss maself.. miss me.. i want to be stronger then b4.. huhu.. how2..
NVR GV UP~ think +ve...
n n.. i suke this song..
by Taxi Band... i like the lyrics...
Kemarin ku dengar
Kau ucap kata cinta
Seolah dunia
Bagai dimusim semi
Kau datang padaku
Membawa luka lama
Ku tak ingin seolah
Semua seperti dulu
Tak ingin lagi rasanya ku bercinta
Setelah ku rasa perih
Kegagalan ini membuat ku tak berdaya
Tak dapat lagi rasanya ku tersenyum
Setelah kau tinggal pergi
Biar ku sendiri tanpa hadirmu kini lagi
when i heared kaulah segalanya i remembered someone..
when i heared cintamu mekar dihati i remembered someone..
when i heared malam ini... i miss tht person but...
i love myself more..
i'm in a bad mood.... huhu...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
kehilangan & kesabaran
hurm... arini ari yg sgt2 sdih sbrnarnya.. enth..
nk kte putus dh ke..
hurm... yela kot.. dh dier kte mcm2.. bile laki kte mcm2 means pts la kn..
biar la dier..
mcm ne aku lh bersbr dgn org mcm dier....
baek tu baek tp... mulut and kepercayaan t'hpd aku xde.. ssh gak
bkn percaya tue pnting ke dlm sesuatu hubungan.. smada dgn parent ke kwn ke.. your love one ke kn...
tp klu dh x cye.. wat suppose to mean??
i think we're not meant to be..we are totally different.. our race..our fav things.. damn opposite..
i damn shit trust on u but.. u dont trust me at all.. wht is this suppose 2 mean??
AAHHHH~!!! 10sen aku mcm ni...
exam is jst around da corner... hal kecik bkn bsar... i 4got to tell u tht i skip class tht's all.. tp... ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dh fdp edup mcm tue.. MAK aku pun x kong2 edup aku..
mmg aku trasa kong2 edup dgn ko... rse kesal teramat pun ade...
"time ko dgn R pun ko lh tpu petah lg dgn aku??" come on.. spe yg bwk aku lari?
spe y terhegeh2?? ingt smua ppuan murah ke.. HA~~ fuck of.. i HATE YOU~~
aku sbr je dgn attitude ko yg blagak.. ah~ xnk dh citer.. stop here...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
OK.. hurm... kinda abit... abit... hurm... i mean.. is about 2 month
i;ve not open my blog... huhu.. my boggie of cos mising me alot.. aren;t u boggie??~~ huhu
nk gtau 1 benda ni...
i;ve not open my blog... huhu.. my boggie of cos mising me alot.. aren;t u boggie??~~ huhu
nk gtau 1 benda ni...
best citer nye~
serious x cye citer melayu lh jd mcm ni.. KRU is mantop!~ huhu
rugi x tgk.. jgn asyik dok tgk citer english je ye.. citer malaysia ni pun best gak ye...
esk la update kn blog.. sorry sgt2 lately sgt2 buzy.. this year is the busiest year ever....
Friday, March 4, 2011
stressful day...
today.. is my stress day...
i was.. i dont knw..
knp... pe mslh aku ni..
why is dis happen to me again...
is really... i jst hate it..
i got the worst day ever..
i knw.. people doesnt like my anger.. so do i.. i dont knw why i cant control it 2day..
is jst so stupid and i being to rude to my lect.. it is bcoz.. i'm to stress of everything..
no one can understand it.. cos only me can understnd it.. ceh.. poyo jap..
but is true.. i nvr had a nice peaceful day... (TIPU)
yes of cos i had.. but.. enth..
BEL... ECO...ACCOUNT....FNB... SERVING... Kitchen..... me myself is so damn miserable..
bak kte miss... is normal.. is cry if u want.. and it could reduce ur hurt...
i really dont knw where and who to tell bout it...
yes i do cry bout wat had happen to me..
i need to be strong.. yes i need...
this is all happen krn ada hikmah..
smua yg terjd akan ada hikmah d sblik nye...
berikn ku peluang kali ke-2...
i need to do da best in my life...
i was.. i dont knw..
knp... pe mslh aku ni..
why is dis happen to me again...
is really... i jst hate it..
i got the worst day ever..
i knw.. people doesnt like my anger.. so do i.. i dont knw why i cant control it 2day..
is jst so stupid and i being to rude to my lect.. it is bcoz.. i'm to stress of everything..
no one can understand it.. cos only me can understnd it.. ceh.. poyo jap..
but is true.. i nvr had a nice peaceful day... (TIPU)
yes of cos i had.. but.. enth..
BEL... ECO...ACCOUNT....FNB... SERVING... Kitchen..... me myself is so damn miserable..
bak kte miss... is normal.. is cry if u want.. and it could reduce ur hurt...
i really dont knw where and who to tell bout it...
yes i do cry bout wat had happen to me..
i need to be strong.. yes i need...
this is all happen krn ada hikmah..
smua yg terjd akan ada hikmah d sblik nye...
berikn ku peluang kali ke-2...
i need to do da best in my life...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. ~William Arthur Ward
tht's the word tht i got it from.. this one person.. his blog... i like to read his blog..
he wrote a lot of things at russia..
he's malaysian.. i got his blog when i search about our malaysian studnt tht study at mesir..
oh MG.. i do love the pic he took.. ok ok...
dh lari tjuk la plak kn...
actully nk citer sal forgiveness.. wat do u guys think when u saw the words forgiveness??
for me.. lg baek memaaf kn seseorg dr kiter minta maaf tp xslh pun klu kiter minta maaf kn kn..
wlupun bkn slh anda, tp if u all nk minta maaf pun is ok... xdosa pun korg minta maaf.. tol x?
mcm ini gmbr.. huhu
so... nie je kot i could say... eh bkn.. type.. huhu
tht's the word tht i got it from.. this one person.. his blog... i like to read his blog..
he wrote a lot of things at russia..
he's malaysian.. i got his blog when i search about our malaysian studnt tht study at mesir..
oh MG.. i do love the pic he took.. ok ok...
dh lari tjuk la plak kn...
actully nk citer sal forgiveness.. wat do u guys think when u saw the words forgiveness??
for me.. lg baek memaaf kn seseorg dr kiter minta maaf tp xslh pun klu kiter minta maaf kn kn..
wlupun bkn slh anda, tp if u all nk minta maaf pun is ok... xdosa pun korg minta maaf.. tol x?
mcm ini gmbr.. huhu
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comel kn kn.... |
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tp i like this more... |
ok la nite.. mau tdo~~ wlupun keje bnyk x siap..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
keje giler..
arini.. aku wat keje giler....
aku x g koko..
aku tdo kul 6pm.. bgn MAGHRIB!! giler x?
pastu xment ape ek.. jap biaq i list kn sat..
1:slide show CTU
2.bel 311(wani stress lbh dr aku.. cian dier nnt aku tlg ok wani..)
3.account..(knp la x imbang... geram~~!!)
4.ECO(bln 3 antaq.. tp giler ah.. hahaaa)
5.KOKO(fuyoo~~ xment koko xlh bla~~)
knp sem ni sgt2 pack??
dh la kena reject xment serving.. cam teett.. nk ngis pun ade ok...
xpe la.. aku kna focus laen.. elang 10markah kot...
ee.. account, eco, bel,ctu,fnb mgt, i have to get A!~!!! giler ak... kena rjin..
i have to make it possible~!!!
gambatte ne dayana-chan~!!!!
aku x g koko..
aku tdo kul 6pm.. bgn MAGHRIB!! giler x?
pastu xment ape ek.. jap biaq i list kn sat..
1:slide show CTU
2.bel 311(wani stress lbh dr aku.. cian dier nnt aku tlg ok wani..)
3.account..(knp la x imbang... geram~~!!)
4.ECO(bln 3 antaq.. tp giler ah.. hahaaa)
5.KOKO(fuyoo~~ xment koko xlh bla~~)
knp sem ni sgt2 pack??
dh la kena reject xment serving.. cam teett.. nk ngis pun ade ok...
xpe la.. aku kna focus laen.. elang 10markah kot...
ee.. account, eco, bel,ctu,fnb mgt, i have to get A!~!!! giler ak... kena rjin..
i have to make it possible~!!!
gambatte ne dayana-chan~!!!!
hurm... kinda bored... don;t knw why..
i want to go to karaoke~~ can anyone bring me??
not tht bored actually just..
thing that i want is that.. I want to find serenity that can change my life
I haven't find the things i want in my life..
what do i need in life...
i've did the worst think in ma life.. could it be erased? could it be gone for ever??
i really hope tht i wont ever remember it back.. i do hope it gone forever...
but the memories, i wont erased it.. it is bcoz memories will nvr gone..
i want to be someone tht people could recognize and could accept me as who i am..
i do sometimes feel really alone.. but actually i'm not... i'm never alone...
but, how could i change da -ve thinking away from me...
i want this person change a lot.. i hope he could guide me to the right path..
i'll nvr stop my prayer to the ONE and only ALLAH..
i don't want to be feel lonely...
1thing tht i want in my life is...
i want to go to karaoke~~ can anyone bring me??
not tht bored actually just..
thing that i want is that.. I want to find serenity that can change my life
I haven't find the things i want in my life..
what do i need in life...
i've did the worst think in ma life.. could it be erased? could it be gone for ever??
i really hope tht i wont ever remember it back.. i do hope it gone forever...
but the memories, i wont erased it.. it is bcoz memories will nvr gone..
i want to be someone tht people could recognize and could accept me as who i am..
i do sometimes feel really alone.. but actually i'm not... i'm never alone...
but, how could i change da -ve thinking away from me...
i want this person change a lot.. i hope he could guide me to the right path..
i'll nvr stop my prayer to the ONE and only ALLAH..
i don't want to be feel lonely...
1thing tht i want in my life is...
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smile is da best.. |

I'm in love with this song when i heard this song...
Look around yourself
Can’t you see this wonder
Spread infront of you
The clouds floating by
The skies so clear and blue
Planets in their orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Let’s start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..
We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright we'll see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth and
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..
Look inside yourself
Such perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger, love and pain
And all the things you’re feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?
Let's start questioning ourselves
Isn’t this proof enough for us?
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..?
We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth and
Let it take us by surprise
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..
When a baby’s born
So helpless and weak
And you’re watching him growing..
So why deny
What's in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..
We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright we’ll see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth and
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..
Open your eyes your heart and mind
If you just look bright to see the signs
We can’t keep hiding from the truth and
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..
You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Rabb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You..
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