hua~~ rmi nye kwn2 ku dh kwin... aku bile lak? adek(5319) dok tnye aku bila nk kwin..
hahaha.. aku msih x dpt jwpn... kwin tu bkn snang... ati ready tp otak x ready g! hahaha
nk kwin kna guna bnyk duit.. tp.. klu aku.. nk nikah je lh x? xnk snding? hahaha bpk ah dh berangan!!!
hahaha.. xpe berangan awl.. umur ku thn dpn cecah 24!! keja xdpt g ni.. ni sdih ni..hehehe
pas hbs blaja insyallah bkn 9/2012 ko kn...nk keje... kumpul duit bnyk2.. nk beli umh.. lh x gtue? hahaha bila lak kwin...
laki ah kuar duit... hahaha btl x? hehehe tp xlh gak kn. nnt senang2 je buang kiter ble xmo kn.. tp xnk la..
hehehe adiah pling istimewa yg i nk sgt2 is a happy family... cos ..
i dont have a happy family... :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
ok... i tibe2 ter tag kn.. by dak ni..
4.apa yang wajib ada dalam handbag atau bag korang ?
6.makanan yang paling korang suka makan .tak boleh hidup kalau tak ada benda ni .
7. suka aaron aziz tak ??sebab apa suka dan sebab apa tak suka ?
8. cinta pertama korang pada umur ?
8.artis yang paling korang benci sekali ?
10.nama yang korang tak suka orang panggil korang ? nyatakan .
11.lagu yang mengingatkan korang pada si dia .
ok ain i akan jwb ur question ni.. hehehe
~sebuah keluarga yg bahagia.
2.ada bantal busuk tak buat peneman tidur ? *jujur!*
2.ada bantal busuk tak buat peneman tidur ? *jujur!*
~ hurm.. jujur ek.. xpnh ade pun. hehehe xksh xde bntal pluk tp kna bnyk bntal. hehehe yang macam mana kah yang korang nak sangat gayakan ?nyatakan dengan terperinci .
~ i ne seorg yg simple. so gaya.. hurm.. nmpk simple n sme dgn umur i la. klu pki cm dak kecik2 xsesuai ah. hehehe
4.apa yang wajib ada dalam handbag atau bag korang ?
~spender. hahaha xde la. hurm... purse, hndphe CSL ku, perfume, cuci muka, compact powder, eyeliner, kdg2 bwk kain. tissue pun.
5. ciri ciri lelaki atau perempuan yang macam manakah yang ingin di buat sebagai teman hidup ? bak mai 5 ciri ciri .
5. ciri ciri lelaki atau perempuan yang macam manakah yang ingin di buat sebagai teman hidup ? bak mai 5 ciri ciri .
1. syg aku la kn.
2. jujur n setia.
3. syg family aku.
4. bekerja.
5. selalu ingt pada-NYA
6.makanan yang paling korang suka makan .tak boleh hidup kalau tak ada benda ni .
~aku rse ko tau ain. hehehe chocolate!! nyum3.
7. suka aaron aziz tak ??sebab apa suka dan sebab apa tak suka ?
~xde la suka mne pun x suka pun xde la. he's a singporean actor yg dlu sgt2 x handsme. hahaha
8. cinta pertama korang pada umur ?
~klu ikut btl la. 21years old.
8.artis yang paling korang benci sekali ?
~i think i dont have. kdg2 nme diorg pun x ingt. rmi sgt pelakon dlm dunia ni. hehehe pling suka ada la. hehehe
10.nama yang korang tak suka orang panggil korang ? nyatakan .
~hurm.... dgn pnggilan keji. :) mls la nyatakn.. hehhee yg keji cm "wei bodoh mai cni"
11.lagu yang mengingatkan korang pada si dia .
done~~~ hehehehe
Thursday, November 10, 2011
hurm.. i just dont knw wht to type here...
kinda bored... kinda dont knw wat to do.. i wanted to go to far far far away from here. need some space. need some galaxy s plus. hahaha.. giler..
why do money is so so so scary??
with money u can buy anything u want.. but do money can buy love? neh... is boring.. hahaha
but without money there's no love.. tipu la lh edup tnpa duit klu bcinta.
is just rubbish... money is everything..
money conquer all..
money is important. u cant buy food without money..
why do people like to say tht hate their life.. but someone out there wanted our life so much..
if u said ur problems just love (bf @gf) just get lost. is just a minor problem tht even u can handle it by urself. but if problems with money.. with family.. with the world... wht would u do? some people attend to kill them
self. isnt tht jst so stupid?
yes frend is needed but would they help you eveything??? NO! n even could be ur enemy! do believe in bff?
for now i do not! i just believe in true frends. true frens will help you no matter wht..
they even cry with you.. they will be there when u needed. but..
do you think is easy to find tht true frend?? is really2.. hard.. cos people now just care about money..
they said is ok for lending some money.. but at the end, they talk bout you at the end of the day..
do u think true frend is exist? yes i do believe but..
... ALLAH s.w.t is always be there... ever minute.. every 2nd.. He will always by our side.. no matter matter what..
kinda bored... kinda dont knw wat to do.. i wanted to go to far far far away from here. need some space. need some galaxy s plus. hahaha.. giler..
why do money is so so so scary??
with money u can buy anything u want.. but do money can buy love? neh... is boring.. hahaha
but without money there's no love.. tipu la lh edup tnpa duit klu bcinta.
is just rubbish... money is everything..
money conquer all..
money is important. u cant buy food without money..
why do people like to say tht hate their life.. but someone out there wanted our life so much..
if u said ur problems just love (bf @gf) just get lost. is just a minor problem tht even u can handle it by urself. but if problems with money.. with family.. with the world... wht would u do? some people attend to kill them
self. isnt tht jst so stupid?
yes frend is needed but would they help you eveything??? NO! n even could be ur enemy! do believe in bff?
for now i do not! i just believe in true frends. true frens will help you no matter wht..
they even cry with you.. they will be there when u needed. but..
do you think is easy to find tht true frend?? is really2.. hard.. cos people now just care about money..
they said is ok for lending some money.. but at the end, they talk bout you at the end of the day..
do u think true frend is exist? yes i do believe but..
... ALLAH s.w.t is always be there... ever minute.. every 2nd.. He will always by our side.. no matter matter what..
"if you think you have a bigger problem, think back, there a lot more people out there that has bigger problems more than you do."
Monday, November 7, 2011
Some quote~
i got this quote.. and suddenly i like it.. u want to knw???
haha is just some silly words pop out from ma brain.. hahaha.. one more!! i post a picture then..
"Do not be afraid to FAIL"do u guy realize the meaning of this word??? do u? hehehe.. dont mean u fail u lost everything rite... :) and one more
"to the world you may be one PERSON, but to one person YOU may be the
huhu like it? hehehe.. is a love quote... how bout my one quote?? hurm... havent think a word yet...
"never feel regret for what u have done cos sometimes is worth it"
haha is just some silly words pop out from ma brain.. hahaha.. one more!! i post a picture then..
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is really2 true... |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
lme giler aku dh x update blog.. hurm.. sgt bz gak nye kn.. bz ape?
lupa.. sem lps keje je yg ingt.. hehehe yg pnting dh dpt mkn seoul garden.. pun jd la...
hahaha wlupun x bnyk yg mkn tp i do have a memorable date~~~ huhu
dont ask with whom.. mls nk g tau.. hahaha
hurm.. bila la dpt mkn kt tmpt2 mhl ek..
hurm.. bila nk dpt bnyk2 duit ek...
hurm.. bila la impian tu tercapai ek...
hurm.. bila la nk kwin..(oh x terpkir lg wat this time)
bnyk plak Hurm aku ni.. hehehe pape pun..
have a nice day~
lupa.. sem lps keje je yg ingt.. hehehe yg pnting dh dpt mkn seoul garden.. pun jd la...
hahaha wlupun x bnyk yg mkn tp i do have a memorable date~~~ huhu
dont ask with whom.. mls nk g tau.. hahaha
hurm.. bila la dpt mkn kt tmpt2 mhl ek..
hurm.. bila nk dpt bnyk2 duit ek...
hurm.. bila la impian tu tercapai ek...
hurm.. bila la nk kwin..(oh x terpkir lg wat this time)
bnyk plak Hurm aku ni.. hehehe pape pun..
have a nice day~
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wawa & ekin~ |
Bahagia or shiawase~
hua~~ damnly happy today.. u know why??
it is because....
I ATE CRAB!! hooray!!!
masak kuah lemak cili padi!! oh sgt2 sdp smpi dua kali aku minta.... yum2...
thanks tu aunty faridah for the RYORI!! hooray!! yum2..
jealous tgk Kakak aien dpt mkn ketam.. so i pun dpt.. eventhough we xde duit.. hehehe
bkn snang nk edupp ssh ni ye.. :) kesabaran n ketabahan perlu ada...
it is because....
I ATE CRAB!! hooray!!!
masak kuah lemak cili padi!! oh sgt2 sdp smpi dua kali aku minta.... yum2...
thanks tu aunty faridah for the RYORI!! hooray!! yum2..
jealous tgk Kakak aien dpt mkn ketam.. so i pun dpt.. eventhough we xde duit.. hehehe
bkn snang nk edupp ssh ni ye.. :) kesabaran n ketabahan perlu ada...
what a day...
i hate it. just hate it..
looking to other family... hate to see it. why do they have a wonderful family but i don't..
hurm.. aku tau nk ckp pe... jst 31.10.11 is a fuck shit day for me n ma mom. knp..
aku sgt2 pelik org melayu menjatuh kn org melayu sndiri. knp? knp bangsa laen xde wat cmtu. kenapa klu dgn cina masih blh berunding? sme jgk dgn india? knp dua bangsa ni bkn asal thn malaysia blh lebih memahami? bkn sbb mereka kaya. org kte ada udng di sebalik batu.. tidak.. mungkin ada yg racist tp tidak 100% yg racist. klu nk di ikut kn. smua bangsa ada shj yg racist. tp cube tgk skrg. cina bntu org cina. india tlg org india tp knp melayu nk tlg tu.. hampeh. ssh giler. ade je cina ke india yg xtlg tp mostly.. xpyh ckp bnyk la.. tgk ank luar nikah mne pling bnyk? melayu yg beragama islam ke india atau cina? aku pun xtau knp aku ckp sal benda ni.
here is malaysia!
masih tdk phm... knp.. knp org melayu tidak membantu org melayu...
looking to other family... hate to see it. why do they have a wonderful family but i don't..
hurm.. aku tau nk ckp pe... jst 31.10.11 is a fuck shit day for me n ma mom. knp..
aku sgt2 pelik org melayu menjatuh kn org melayu sndiri. knp? knp bangsa laen xde wat cmtu. kenapa klu dgn cina masih blh berunding? sme jgk dgn india? knp dua bangsa ni bkn asal thn malaysia blh lebih memahami? bkn sbb mereka kaya. org kte ada udng di sebalik batu.. tidak.. mungkin ada yg racist tp tidak 100% yg racist. klu nk di ikut kn. smua bangsa ada shj yg racist. tp cube tgk skrg. cina bntu org cina. india tlg org india tp knp melayu nk tlg tu.. hampeh. ssh giler. ade je cina ke india yg xtlg tp mostly.. xpyh ckp bnyk la.. tgk ank luar nikah mne pling bnyk? melayu yg beragama islam ke india atau cina? aku pun xtau knp aku ckp sal benda ni.
here is malaysia!
masih tdk phm... knp.. knp org melayu tidak membantu org melayu...
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