hahahaha.. is 7.40am and i'm havent sleep yet...LOLOLOLOLO
hahaha want to knw wat am i doing???
plying GAME~!!
Reads other peoples blog..
listen to song(youtube)-wherever you will go~~
looking at peopls picture.. in FB..
and i'm going to bed now~~
ba bai bloggy~~!! muah muah~~!! i'll update you!!! miss me ok~~ huhu.. syg bloggy.. hurm..
Sunday, December 26, 2010
hai hai..
hai hai my dear blog~~~
how r u??
hehehe missing me like hell? or like heaven? hahahahaha
missing u like.. like chocolate BLOGGY! huhu..
so.. wat am i trying to type now..
oh yeah~~
thnks so
i do miss this song.. i was like.. OMG dis song!! i was searching like ages(is it rite words tht i use?? haha)
hurm... this song.. called...
how r u??
hehehe missing me like hell? or like heaven? hahahahaha
missing u like.. like chocolate BLOGGY! huhu..
so.. wat am i trying to type now..
oh yeah~~
thnks so
i do miss this song.. i was like.. OMG dis song!! i was searching like ages(is it rite words tht i use?? haha)
hurm... this song.. called...
So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a greater wave shall fall
And fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own?
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall
And fall upon us all
Well then I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love
I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way, way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go
Saturday, December 11, 2010
wat a day....
ai ai my blog dear....
how r u? hehehehe
today.. 11.12.. wht am i doing..
doing nothing..
i try to play ma bf(best fren) guitar and it hurt my finger.. hahahahaha
painful~~ lalalala
i was alone at home...
EKIN~~ jom la kuar tomorrow~~~
i knw u r tired.. :)
thnks to her for everything..
hehehe syg u la EKIN~~
bout ma result.. i'm satisfied with it.. and i'm happy with it...
i got wat i want.. i got it..
thnks to miss ratna...:P miss her...
i sing.. sleep.. dance..
wat a nice life i got..
somtimes i fall somtimes i get up.. but i do always fall
i cried.... i nvr like my life b4..
but i like it now..
dont care wat people say bout it.. nah.. happy to be me..
ok bye~
how r u? hehehehe
today.. 11.12.. wht am i doing..
doing nothing..
i try to play ma bf(best fren) guitar and it hurt my finger.. hahahahaha
painful~~ lalalala
i was alone at home...
EKIN~~ jom la kuar tomorrow~~~
i knw u r tired.. :)
thnks to her for everything..
hehehe syg u la EKIN~~
bout ma result.. i'm satisfied with it.. and i'm happy with it...
i got wat i want.. i got it..
thnks to miss ratna...:P miss her...
i sing.. sleep.. dance..
wat a nice life i got..
somtimes i fall somtimes i get up.. but i do always fall
i cried.... i nvr like my life b4..
but i like it now..
dont care wat people say bout it.. nah.. happy to be me..
ok bye~
Friday, December 10, 2010
ape tah natang ni
Tagged by BAM( lme dh bru nk wat)
1. Ape bende yang paling penting dalam hidup korang ?
mls la nk jwb bnyk sgt...
2. Benda terakhir yang anda beli guna duet sendiri ?
3. Dimana tempat perkahwinan anda, dan apa tema perkahwinan anda ?
tema? garden~~~!!!! d mne? d tepi pntai.. gile x?
4. Adakah anda sedang bercinta ?
tengah bercintan.. hahahah
5. Jika YA , berapa lama anda akan mencintai pasangan anda ?
dh 1thn dh.. npe?
6. Novel / buku / majalah yang anda beli ?
buku aku beli sndiri?
*Jauh-aisyah sofea
*tiada lagi mimpi-sharifah
7. Antara mak dan ayah , mana anda lebih mesra ?
8. Namakan orang yang anda betu betul nak jumpe dalam hidup ?
SAKAMOTO MASAYUKI~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Adakah anda membasuh baju anda sendiri ?
da... xkn ade org gaji kot.. best kot if ade MAID~~~~~~~
10. Dimanakah tempat yang anda betul betul nak pergi ?
bnyk!!~~ the most is.. Kyoto...
11. Pilih satu , peluk atau cium ?
peluk~~~ i suke peluk~~ peluk kwn2 ah!!!
12. Beritahu 3 bende tentang orang yang tagged anda ?
*bamika = funny, comel and mantap!!
13. Lapan lagu yang anda suke dengar ?
*LAPAN? bapak ah... hurm.. mls ah nk type lh? aku lyn je smua..
gmbr dlu ku...
gambar time aku join JPP dlu.. time ni sem 1~~~~~~
sem 2 naik dh bdn.. sem 3 prtcl.. naek g.. sem 4.. maintain.. sem 5 maintain..
time keje.. naik pastu turun pastu naik...
uitm.. sem 1 turun.. pastu ujung sem naik giler2 ah
sem 2.. sme je nga ujung sem 2..
bakal sem 3? ingin turunkn brt bdn~ kena jogging ni.. hahaha jumaat sabtu ahad..
mkn nk kena ubh blik..
mls la tp...
ttp kna wat..
"nk pki bju lawa2 x?" mama kte..
"ms pikir" aku kte..
"ko ni nk skit ke ha?" papa bising
kena bebel je aku..
i'll try ok...
Never give up when u havent try it yet..
do da best you can and nvr REGRET~~
hua... rmi giler tgur dgn personality(peh xlh blah ayt) aku ni..
DBA??!! knp mkin TEMbam...
diba~~ npe mcm mak ORG.
diba ko dh gmuk sgt?~~
dba npe jd gni??? knp ko jd sgt bsar~~
nk tau knp? sbb aku happy~~ sbb aku kuat mkn~~ sbb aku nk mkn
mls dh nk pikir2 kurus2 ni
skit ye mati.. tp aku akan try nk trn kn brt bdn n dpt bdn time kt poly dlu..
blm jmpe mmbr sekolah.. lg ah kte pe nnt
hahaha time sek kurus..
time poly comel..
msuk uitm.. mcm BADAK SUMBU gemok nye~
nk wat cm ne..
hahaha mkn mkn mkn...
mkn lak sedap.. mkn lak chef msk.. oh.. peh... mne x slera mkn ku naik~~
hahaha pape pun.. lantak la org nk kte pe. jnji i'm still me..
live ur life to da fullest~~
![]() |
ni la yg aku kte kn.. sgt gmuk giler.. sblh tue plak makin kurus.. hurm |
Sunday, November 28, 2010
the benda tht aku crzy WITH~~~
MY ALL... love da song yo~
i really love this song..
i've sang dis song 2 ma best fren,
shuziana mohd noor...
miss her a lot...
when i think and sing this song.. i'll remember back my time at POLIMAS..
and at uitm.. Ita~ she loves mariah carey song...Hero.. i'll try to dedicate the song to her later on.. and i've dedicate to shikin aka kenet too~
hahahaha i'll nvr understnd wat i'm trying 2 say.. hahahahaahha~~
I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight
i've sang dis song 2 ma best fren,
shuziana mohd noor...
miss her a lot...
when i think and sing this song.. i'll remember back my time at POLIMAS..
and at uitm.. Ita~ she loves mariah carey song...Hero.. i'll try to dedicate the song to her later on.. and i've dedicate to shikin aka kenet too~
hahahaha i'll nvr understnd wat i'm trying 2 say.. hahahahaahha~~
I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My favourite JDrama ever~~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
wht i should do..
dear R...
i knw u care about me so much...
i do love u too but..
i dont know wht to do..
ur attitude do same as my father...
i'm scared..
i dont want to hurt u..
i cant be da person tht u want...
i dont know bout my heart.. do i still love you..
we always quarrel...
i knw u want a person to appreciate you..
i do appreciate for wht u have did for me and i want u to knw wht's wrong n rite..
i dont the past to enshroud us....
past is past..
i dont want the past to came back...
i jst want u 2 understnd 1 thing..
i beg u...
i knw u care about me so much...
i do love u too but..
i dont know wht to do..
ur attitude do same as my father...
i'm scared..
i dont want to hurt u..
i cant be da person tht u want...
i dont know bout my heart.. do i still love you..
we always quarrel...
i knw u want a person to appreciate you..
i do appreciate for wht u have did for me and i want u to knw wht's wrong n rite..
i dont the past to enshroud us....
past is past..
i dont want the past to came back...
i jst want u 2 understnd 1 thing..
i beg u...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
today 6/11/2010
hua~~~ arini best~~
tau x... smlm aku tdo luar sorg2.. bersama farah afiqah n farihin tgk vdeo teet...
hahahaha pangako sayo kte kn...
terjerit2 suke... smpi aku tdo x nynyak..
xpela.. dieorg lh plak kn buka lmpu..
hahahaha kelakar giler.. aku tgur dieorg mrh.. gelak peh xyh ckp..
giler kuat...
pastu si Min.. leh plak kn msg aku pepagi bute yg aku xlh dgr bnyi msg msuk..
leh plak dier touching kn... hahahaha... sbb x msuk bilik.. dier kte ade dgr bunyi bnda.. peh..
mende kah itu.. hahahahha
pastu.. diba leh plak tdo nynyak kn.. peh.. syok giler....
n kn kn.. smlm b4 gelap... aku g maen make up2.. dgn f.a.. n dba
hahahhaa klakar.. nk cr warna sesuai dgn dier...
comel giler dier... klu ade gmbr ti aku post...
pastu ptg arini ktieorg g la wedding miss syira(suppose puan now)
aku make up kn farihin,min n f.a..
farihin n f.a jd famous giler arini.
mekasih pd aku la ye.. hahahaha
ATIN!! nk gmbr...
pastu, 3 org dara ni xlh blah.. curi2 msuk nk bergmbr nga dak2 laki yg sgt rmi..
bachelor2 tue.. kembang kuncup f.a,min n farihin..
hahahaha comel...
bnyk gmbr dieorg aku amek arini..
dai majuk mula sbb aku dpt pki camera ATIN!! hehehe
atin ganu sgt comel..
lawa... shaz.. terkejut gak tau dier dpt ikut.. tp best...
ain pika n da geng pun dtg...
anis n atin dpt amek gmbr bedua..
pape pun..
penat.. sdp mkn n best arini!~~~
blik2 kn, farihin n f.a tdo... sbb x ckp tdo smlm.. tue la..
xnk tdo awl.. nk tgk pangako sayo kn.. hahahaha..
dd 4ever~~
Sunday, September 26, 2010
what do i want?

i want sony ericsson XPERIA!!!
i do really wanted it so much... i'm in love with it...
can i get it??
i want DHC like b4.. no kelompok2.. in the class..
i want them to be like b4.. i mean.. we could cooperate as usual..
no fighting no quarell..
if we quarell of somting, we can talk slowly, sit down n talk..
we need to be more mature.. not still in a kid attitude,
we're not a small child tht need to say wat to do or not to do...
we're big enough to think..
some on us yes, some of us no..
and so do i..
i need to change..
change in the way i talk,
the way i look,
the way i walk,
the way i eat,
so that people could look at me and say that.. i'm great.. and people could like me???
but.. do i need to change?
yes indeed..
cos if we dont change urself, who will??
no one can change urself instead we change ourself..
u wont be someone else if u change..
u'll be u;re self but in the new way of life..
new change in the way u think.. in the way u looks ur future.. the way u talk..
i do want tht the most..
like this word says:-
"It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But... it is better to be good than to be ugly"
~Oscar Wilde~
~Oscar Wilde~
Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind. ~Aristotle~
and also...
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ~Helen Keller ~
so think about it then....
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
don't call me n talk about him anymore...
i've forgotten about him...
i don't want to hear his name anymore..
i'm nothing to him..that i know..
he only thinks about u.. but i know.. he never love me..
so, i don't give a damn bout him cos i found someone who really loves me..
i really wanted to tell you pls... don't talk about him to me anymore..
i've hurt more then once and i don't want to hurt ny more..
and i don't want to hurt my dear no more cos i've hurt him always...
pls.. i don't 2 knw him anymore...
don't call me n talk about him anymore...
i've forgotten about him...
i don't want to hear his name anymore..
i'm nothing to him..that i know..
he only thinks about u.. but i know.. he never love me..
so, i don't give a damn bout him cos i found someone who really loves me..
i really wanted to tell you pls... don't talk about him to me anymore..
i've hurt more then once and i don't want to hurt ny more..
and i don't want to hurt my dear no more cos i've hurt him always...
pls.. i don't 2 knw him anymore...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
wo hen xiang ta...
hehehe.. sje je with that title..
wat gempak sat...
today... i had my dinner(buka puasa) with ma bestest pal.. diba, fara,pika, dai and wani.. hehehe..
i love them like my sister.. hehehe..
wat a day.. and wat a month.
mmg mcbr minda n naluri ku. hahaha poyo..
report ku x siap2 kn lg.. i jst dont know why i'm so th lazy..
i just dont hve da mood to study.. and u know.. we're already at the 7 weeks of lecture..
and i'm not ready for my final... how could i be this kind of person...
i do sometimes feel down...
is really hard to get up back when we're down..
thank alot teddy could gve me another chance...
wake up dayana... u;re not a kid anymore...
where's ur strength??? where's ur NEVER GIVE UP MOTO!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~
u're 22 already dayana...
Monday, July 26, 2010
i want to cry...
aku nk ngis,
aku skit...
aku demam..
knp.. knp tjd kt aku lg...
i love him so much....
ape slh aku smpi dier kte cr la aku bile ko dh sdr..
aku snggup elang dier.. tp... aku x tau nk ckp pe..
aku nk ngis.. aku xtau nk wat pe...
knp lalu aku ditinggal kn..
truk sgt ke aku..
xblh ke aku jd diri aku?
degil sgt ke aku..
mrh sgt ke dier krn attitude aku mcm dak2 kecik?
aku x pnh rsa mlu bile dgn dier.. aku yg rse dier yg mlu dgn aku..
aku xde mood.... knp..
aku... xtau nk wat pe... mungkin ni yg terbaek..
i'm so sorry... i dont knw.
i know i'm the only one who is always make u hurt... but pls..
don't let me feel so alone now.. u're there when i'm down.. and now i'm alone..
i know i'm stupid.. but..
i'll pray for u.. always.. for ur happiness.. hope u'll find someone better..
love u so much.. riza...
aku skit...
aku demam..
knp.. knp tjd kt aku lg...
i love him so much....
ape slh aku smpi dier kte cr la aku bile ko dh sdr..
aku snggup elang dier.. tp... aku x tau nk ckp pe..
aku nk ngis.. aku xtau nk wat pe...
knp lalu aku ditinggal kn..
truk sgt ke aku..
xblh ke aku jd diri aku?
degil sgt ke aku..
mrh sgt ke dier krn attitude aku mcm dak2 kecik?
aku x pnh rsa mlu bile dgn dier.. aku yg rse dier yg mlu dgn aku..
aku xde mood.... knp..
aku... xtau nk wat pe... mungkin ni yg terbaek..
i'm so sorry... i dont knw.
i know i'm the only one who is always make u hurt... but pls..
don't let me feel so alone now.. u're there when i'm down.. and now i'm alone..
i know i'm stupid.. but..
i'll pray for u.. always.. for ur happiness.. hope u'll find someone better..
love u so much.. riza...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
CINTA DUA HATI LIRIK (gosh love it!!)
Tak ku sangka dirimu hadir di hidupku
menyapaku dengan sentuhan kasihmu
menyapaku dengan sentuhan kasihmu
Ku sesali cerita yang kini terjadi
mengapa disaat ku telah berdua
mengapa disaat ku telah berdua
Maafkan bila cintaku
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh di dua hati
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh di dua hati
Ku sesali cerita yang kini terjadi
mengapa disaat ku telah berdua
mengapa disaat ku telah berdua
Maafkan bila cintaku
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya padamu
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya padamu
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh
karena ku jatuh
Maafkan bila cintaku
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya padamu
tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya padamu
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh di dua hati
karena ku jatuh di dua hati
Tak mungkin ku persembahkan seutuhnya padamu
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh
Karena ku jatuh di dua hati
Maaf bila kau terluka
karena ku jatuh
Karena ku jatuh di dua hati
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